Public censure
Marios Sophocleous, formerly a Senior Scientist in the Kansas Geological Survey, has been found to have engaged in scholarly misconduct, relating to plagiarism and self-plagiarism of text in the following scholarly works:
1. From safe yield to sustainable development of water resources – the Kansas experience – Sophocleous – Journal of Hydrology, v. 235, no. 1–2, pp. 27–43, 2000.
2. Interactions between groundwater and surface water: the state of the science –Sophocleous – Hydrogeology Journal, v. 10, no. 1, pp. 52–67, 2002.
3. Review: groundwater management practices, challenges, and innovations in the High Plains aquifer, USA – lessons and recommended actions – Sophocleous –Hydrogeology Journal, v. 18, no. 3, pp. 559–575, 2010.
4. Review Paper: The evolution of groundwater management paradigms in Kansas and possible new steps towards water sustainability – Sophocleous – Journal of Hydrology, v. 414-415, pp. 550–559, 2012.
5. Review Paper: On understanding and predicting groundwater response time – Sophocleous – Ground Water, v. 50, no. 4, pp. 528–540, 2012.
6. Issue Paper: Conserving and extending the useful life of the largest aquifer in North America: The future of the High Plains/Ogallala aquifer – Sophocleous – Ground Water, v.50, no. 6, pp. 831–839, 2012.
7. The Ogallala Formation of the Great Plains in Central US and its containment of life-giving water – Sophocleous and Merriam – Natural Resources Research – v. 21, no .4, pp. 415–425, 2012.
Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will not be tolerated at the University of Kansas. This announcement represents public censure of Dr. Sophocleous for his actions.
Marios Sophocleous, formerly a senior scientist in the Kansas Geological Survey, has been found to have engaged in scholarly misconduct, relating to plagiarism and self-plagiarism of text in the following scholarly works:
- From safe yield to sustainable development of water resources – the Kansas experience – Sophocleous – Journal of Hydrology, v. 235, no. 1–2, pp. 27–43, 2000.
- Interactions between groundwater and surface water: the state of the science –Sophocleous – Hydrogeology Journal, v. 10, no. 1, pp. 52–67, 2002.
- Review: groundwater management practices, challenges, and innovations in the High Plains aquifer, USA – lessons and recommended actions – Sophocleous –Hydrogeology Journal, v. 18, no. 3, pp. 559–575, 2010.
- Review Paper: The evolution of groundwater management paradigms in Kansas and possible new steps towards water sustainability – Sophocleous – Journal of Hydrology, v. 414-415, pp. 550–559, 2012.
- Review Paper: On understanding and predicting groundwater response time – Sophocleous – Ground Water, v. 50, no. 4, pp. 528–540, 2012.
- Issue Paper: Conserving and extending the useful life of the largest aquifer in North America: The future of the High Plains/Ogallala aquifer – Sophocleous – Ground Water, v.50, no. 6, pp. 831–839, 2012.
- The Ogallala Formation of the Great Plains in Central US and its containment of life-giving water – Sophocleous and Merriam – Natural Resources Research – v. 21, no .4, pp. 415–425, 2012.
Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will not be tolerated at the University of Kansas. This announcement represents public censure of Dr. Sophocleous for his actions.