51 KU students receive Undergraduate Research Awards for spring 2017
LAWRENCE — This spring, 51 KU students will receive $1,000 Undergraduate Research Awards to pursue academic projects.
“We are pleased to support this group of students as they take advantage of one of the clear benefits of a KU education: the opportunity to engage in research and creative projects with our faculty,” said John Augusto, director of the Center for Undergraduate Research.
Students apply for UGRAs by writing a four-page research proposal under the guidance of a mentor. Faculty reviewers evaluate the applications based on the merit of the applicant's proposal, the applicant's academic record and a recommendation letter from the mentor.
Students interested in applying for summer or fall 2017 UGRAs can find more information and apply at the Center for Undergraduate Research website.
Students receiving awards for the spring of 2017 are listed below in alphabetical order along with hometown, major, project title, mentor and mentor’s department:
Chloe Adams, a junior from Shawnee majoring in biochemistry: “Investigating the Role of syg-1 and syg-2 in the GABAergic Motor Neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans,” mentored by Brian Ackley, molecular biosciences.
Jeremy Barclay, a senior majoring in economics: “Exchange Rate of the Cuban Peso,” mentored by Jennifer Foster, Spanish & Portuguese.
Evan Barnes, a senior from Lawrence majoring in exercise science: “Examination of 100% Orange Juice on Plasma Electrolyte Concentration and Rehydration Following Repeated Endurance Cycling Exercise,” mentored by Dawn Emerson, health, sport & exercise sciences.
Delaney Bates, a senior from Lake Quivira majoring in ecology & evolutionary biology: “The Effect of Sex and Temperature on Activity Cycles of Aspidoscelis hyperythrus,” mentored by Maria Eifler, Biodiversity Institute.
Ansley Bender, a senior from Salina majoring in psychology: “Self-Care Study,” mentored by Rick Ingram, psychology.
Ellen Bertels, a senior from Overland Park majoring in English and Italian: “Make America Road Trip Again: The Influence of Foundational American Ideology on Literary Migration Narratives,” mentored by Mary Klayder, English.
Sandra Bertram Grant, a senior from Bentonville, Arkansas, majoring in psychology and sociology: “The Effects of Guilt and Social Approval on Mood,” mentored by Christian Crandall, psychology.
Matthew Bierbaum, a senior from Lenexa majoring in organismal biology: “Sex Discrimination in Males of Zaprionus indianus by Hearing, Olfactory, or Gustatory Modalities Tested by Removal of Aristae, Antennae, and Foretarsi,” mentored by Jennifer Gleason, ecology & evolutionary biology.
Olivia Borland, a sophomore from Wichita majoring in psychology and pre-social welfare: “Empowering Talk or Something More?: Exploring How Social Media is Used to Discuss Gender Balance in Local Government,” mentored by Shannon Portillo, public affairs & administration.
Gabrielle Buckner, a senior from Wichita majoring in global & international studies and women, gender & sexuality studies: “How Does Menstruation Jeopardize Education for Kenyan Girls?” mentored by Brian Lagotte, global & international studies.
Victoria Calderon, a senior from Liberal majoring in English and political science: “Defining Victimization of Human Trafficking in Survivor Narratives vs. United States Federal Law,” mentored by Marta Caminero-Santangelo, English.
Courtney Coppinger, a senior from Leawood majoring in ecology & evolutionary biology and environmental studies: “The Effects of Small Mammal Burrowing on Nitrogen Pools in Restored Grassland Prairie Systems,” mentored by Ben Sikes, ecology & evolutionary biology.
Saran Davaajargal, a senior from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, majoring in economics: “Effects of Environmental Attitudes of Managers and Employees on Environmental Management Endeavors,” mentored by Dietrich Earnhart, economics.
Megan Fox, a senior from Wichita majoring in English and global & international studies: “Shakespeareanity: Macbeth’s Third Murderer and Shakespeare’s Pop Culture Prevalence,” mentored by Jonathan Lamb, English.
Karynn Glover, a senior from Olathe majoring in psychology: “Examining the Relationship between Motivational Climates and Objective Performance within a Marching Band Setting,” mentored by Mary Fry, health, sport & exercise sciences.
Paige Hansen, a junior from Brookings, South Dakota, majoring in ecology, evolution & organismal biology and English: “Novel Methods of Determining the Effects of Soil Microbe Abundance on Fire Feedback Systems,” mentored by Benjamin Sikes, ecology & evolutionary biology.
Jeffery Heppler, a senior from Kansas City majoring in environmental studies: “Cuban Agricultural Transitions and Renewing U.S. Relations,” mentored by Paul Stock, sociology.
Jack Hoard, a senior from Topeka majoring in industrial design: “Flexible Furniture,” mentored by Huw Thomas, industrial design.
Margaret (Maggie) Hornick, a senior from Lansing majoring in biochemistry: “Effects of Increased Pseudophosphorylation on Tau in Alzheimer's Disease Pathology,” mentored by T. Chris Gamblin, molecular biosciences.
Ree Ae Jordan, a senior from Overland Park majoring in psychology: “Probation Versus Firing: Determining How People Infer Incompetence in the Work Place,” mentored by Monica Biernat, psychology.
Matthew Kavanaugh, a junior from Leawood majoring in chemical engineering: “Incorporating Specific-Binding Enzymes for Stabilized LSPR Biosensors,” mentored by Candan Tamerler, mechanical engineering.
Zachary Kelsay, a sophomore from Independence, Missouri, majoring in global & international studies and history: “Impact of the Cuban Convertible Currency on the Cuban Economy,” mentored by Jennifer Foster, Spanish & Portuguese.
Amir Khaleghi, a senior from Leawood majoring in economics: “The Effect of Religious Affiliation on Charitable Donation,” mentored by Donna Ginther, economics.
Sarah King, a senior from Andover majoring in psychology: “Was It Consensual? Responsibility for Consent as a Function of Gender and Intoxication,” mentored by Charlene Muehlenhard, psychology.
Alex Kolomaya, a junior from Omaha, Nebraska, majoring in physics: “Isolation of Biologically Active Exosomes through Microfluidic Filtration,” mentored by Yong Zeng, chemistry.
Yu Kyung Lee, a senior majoring in sociology: “Synthesis of a Complete Library of Stereoisomers of Bicyclic Acyl Sultams,” mentored by Paul Hanson, chemistry.
Emmaline Lorenzo, a junior from Leawood majoring in chemistry: “Non-Resonant Two-Photon Excitation: Application to Phototriggered Systems and Methodology,” mentored by Christopher Elles, chemistry.
Murphy Maiden, a senior from majoring in sociology and American studies: “Queering Protections: How Policies and Resource Allocations Shape Queer and Transgender Student Experiences on the University of Kansas Campus,” mentored by Sherrie Tucker, American studies.
McKinzey Manes, a senior from Overland Park majoring in Slavic languages & literatures and global & international studies: “Translations of stories from "Priče sa Jalije" by Hajim S. Davičo,” mentored by Stephen Dickey, Slavic languages & literatures.
Emily McGowan, a senior from St. Louis majoring in textiles/fibers and history of art: “Homemade Traditions: Spinning Yarn from Scratch,” mentored by Mary Anne Jordan, visual art.
Megan Metz, a senior from Prairie Village majoring in atmospheric science and French: “An Observational Analysis of Boundary Layer Interactions with the Land Surface on the Diurnal Time Scale,” mentored by Nathaniel Brunsell, geography & atmospheric science.
Parakh Mody, a senior majoring in biochemistry and neurobiology: “Biophysical Characterisation of Pore Size and Pore Density in Mammalian Epithelial Cell Monolayers Using Permeability Assays,” mentored by Michael Wang, pharmaceutical chemistry.
Katherin Morales, a senior from Emporia majoring in behavioral neuroscience and psychology: “Comparative Differences Between Human Tau Protein Isoforms in Models of Alzheimer’s Disease,” mentored by T. Chris Gamblin, molecular biosciences.
Cale Morrow, a senior from Dodge City majoring in theatre: “The Art of Adaptation,” mentored by Jane Barnette, theatre.
Emma Murrugarra, a senior from majoring in human biology: “The Role of Menstrual Hormone Regulation in Mood, Cognition, and Sleep,” mentored by Ruth Ann Atchley, psychology.
Halle Nick, a senior from Olathe majoring in music therapy: “The Speech-to-Song Illusion in (simulated) Cochlear Implant Users,” mentored by Michael Vitevitch, psychology.
Grace Roth, a senior from Crystal Lake, Illinois, majoring in civil engineering: “Analysis of Seasonal Weather Forecasts for Kansas,” mentored by Joshua Roundy, civil, environmental & architectural engineering.
Luke Schletzbaum, a senior from majoring in organismal biology: “Basking Habitat Preference in the Endemic Baja Spinytail Lizard Ctenosaura hemilopha,” mentored by Maria Eifler, Biodiversity Institute.
Daniel Theisen, a senior from Overland Park majoring in neurobiology: “The Restless Monkey: Using Conceptual Metaphor to Facilitate Mindfulness Meditation,” mentored by Mark Landau, psychology.
Claire Tracy, a senior from Overland Park majoring in ecology & evolutionary biology: “Identification of New Species of the Genus Kaloula,” mentored by Luke Welton, Biodiversity Institute.
Emma Tuschhoff, a junior from Bellevue, Washington, majoring in ecology & evolutionary biology: “Species Delimitation of Malagasy Frogs using RADSeq,” mentored by Richard Glor, Biodiversity Institute.
Cecilia Villanueva, a junior from Hutchinson majoring in microbiology: “Serum Bactericidal Activity of Animals Immunized Against Shigella and Salmonella,” mentored by Wendy Picking, pharmaceutical chemistry.
Tymon Wall, a senior from Winfield majoring in political science and global & international studies: “Pressures of Protest: The Formative Processes of Environmental Activism in India,” mentored by Brian Lagotte, global & international studies.
Meixi Wang, a senior from Lawrence majoring in economics: “It Takes a Nation—or Many Nations: The Cross-Country Analysis of the Effects of Family and Social Factors on Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Scores,” mentored by John Keating, economics.
Ian Ward, a senior majoring in industrial design: “Harnessing Water as a Tool: An Exercise in User-Centered Design,” mentored by Huw Thomas, industrial design.
Scott Wellhausen, a junior from Roscoe, Illinois, majoring in global & international studies: “Achieving and Sustaining Peace in Colombia,” mentored by Brian Lagotte, global & international studies.
Niall Whalen, a junior from Wescosville, Pennsylvania, majoring in geology and biology: “Analysis of Dinosaur Coprolites for Amoebic Cyst Material,” mentored by Alison Olcott Marshall, geology.
CeCe Wolfner, a senior from St. Louis, majoring in psychology: “Endocrine Disruptor Awareness: The Role of Message Framing and Application of the Health Belief Model in Predicting and Determining Health Behavior Change,” mentored by Nancy Hamilton, psychology.
Zachary Wood, a sophomore from Eureka, Missouri, majoring in chemistry: “A Remarkably Sensitive Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Approach to Quantifying Electronic Characteristics of Isocyanide Ligands,” mentored by Misha Barybin, chemistry.
Kayla Yi, a senior from Overland Park majoring in biology: “Develop a Procedure for Ameiotic Parthenogenesis in Manduca Sexta,” mentored by James Walters, ecology & evolutionary biology.
Tristan Yount, a senior from Andover majoring in architectural engineering: “Evaluating Fracture Characteristics and Behavior of Welded Wire Reinforcing,” mentored by William Collins, civil, environmental & architectural engineering.