Math professor recognized for exceptional achievements in continuing education

LAWRENCE — Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, professor of mathematics, courtesy professor of the departments of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering, and an investigator at the Information & Telecommunication Technology Center at the University of Kansas, has been awarded the 2016 IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education for innovative developments in teaching control systems and inspiring STEM education.

This award was established by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) board to provide recognition for the dedicated contribution to the design, delivery and support of continuing education courses and programs in the fields of interest to IEEE members. The organization, with more than 400,000 members, is the world’s largest technical professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.  The award will be presented at the 2016 IEEE EAB Award Presentation Ceremony during the IEEE Meeting Series this fall in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Pasik-Duncan is a fellow of IEEE and has served in many leadership capacities in the organization.  She is also a fellow of the International Federation of Control. She has been chair of the American Automatic Control Council Technical Committee on Education, deputy chair of IEEE Control System Society Technical Committee on Control Education, IFAC Technical Board member of education liaison, chair of the outreach program for IEEE Women in Engineering Committee and chair of the KU mathematics department’s Mathematics Awareness Month/Outreach committee. In these capacities she has been promoting control as a field that spans STEM by integrating research and teaching in a wide range of communities and settings.

Tue, 08/23/2016


Gloria Prothe

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Gloria Prothe

Department of Mathematics
