Student news
KU News Service publishes names of University of Kansas graduates and honor roll/dean's list undergraduates so Jayhawks can receive recognition from friends and neighbors.
Fall 2024 Honor Roll
Names of students who made the honor roll/dean's list for their respective schools at the Lawrence, Edwards and KU Medical Center campuses are typically made available to KU News Service in early February. The complete university honor roll should be posted on or before Feb. 14. Check back at this webpage or at the KU News homepage for the listing. Some schools may inform students of their honor designation before all schools have finished reporting.
Summer-fall 2023, spring 2024 graduates
The names of more than 6,500 graduates at the University of Kansas for summer and fall 2023 and spring 2024 have been announced by the University Registrar. Many graduates and candidates for degree celebrated by participating in KU Commencement, which took place May 12. Not all graduates choose to have their names published. The names of summer 2024 graduates are finalized in early fall.
Spring 2024 Honor Roll
More than 7,400 undergraduate students at KU earned honor roll distinction for the spring 2024 semester. The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and in the schools of Architecture & Design, Business, Education & Human Sciences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism & Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional Studies and Social Welfare. Requirements vary by school and may depend on a minimum credit-hour load. Students should contact their academic adviser if they have questions about inclusion on the list. The spring 2024 honor roll includes names of students whose academic status was finalized by June 2024. Not all students choose to have their names published.
Fall 2023 Honor Roll
More than 8,000 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the fall 2023 semester. The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and in the schools of Architecture & Design, Business, Education & Human Sciences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism & Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional Studies and Social Welfare. Requirements vary by school. Students should contact their academic adviser if they have questions about inclusion on the list. Honor roll criteria vary by school and may depend on a minimum credit-hour load. The fall 2023 honor roll includes names of students whose academic status was finalized by January 2023. Not all students choose to have their names published.
Summer-fall 2022, spring 2023 graduates
The names of more than 6,600 graduates at the University of Kansas for summer and fall 2022 and spring 2023 have been announced by the University Registrar. Many graduates and candidates for degree celebrated by participating in KU Commencement, which took place May 14. A list of summer and fall 2022 and spring 2023 graduates is now published, with students listed in alphabetical order. Note: Not all graduates have made their name and hometown information publicly available. Those students can email kunews@ku.edu if they would like their information included.
Spring 2023 Honor Roll
LAWRENCE — More than 6,800 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the spring 2023 semester. The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and in the schools of Architecture & Design, Business, Education & Human Sciences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism & Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional Studies and Social Welfare. Requirements vary by school. Students should contact their academic adviser if they have questions about inclusion on the list. The spring 2023 list includes names of students whose academic status was finalized by July 1. Not all students choose to have their names published, and this should not be considered an official academic transcript.
Why am I not listed on the graduate list/honor roll?
The most common reason that a student’s name does not appear with other candidates for degree or honor roll recipients is that a hold has been placed on your directory information, which means we can’t release your name, graduation and/or award status or hometown. This can be updated in Enroll & Pay, and then you can contact us at kunews@ku.edu.
I am a proud parent/grandparent of a KU student and have questions about if or when their information will be published. Can KU News Service help me?
To protect their privacy, we need to talk directly with our students about their academic accomplishments and hometown news preferences. Students should contact us at kunews@ku.edu if we can post and share their information.
When will the next list of KU graduates be released?
Names of summer and fall 2023 and spring 2024 graduates will be published in late July 2024 once degrees are posted by the Registrar’s Office.
Is the Commencement program listing the same as the KU News Service listing?
No, these are processed separately, in part because KU News Service publishes names by term. Please make sure your name is designated as releasable and that your name and hometown city preferences are updated in Enroll & Pay.
When are the spring and fall dean’s list/honor rolls published?
KU News Service publishes the honor roll each shortly after receipt from the Registrar’s Office, usually during the second week of February (fall) and July (spring). Some students will be notified of their school honors a few weeks before the full university list is available for KU News Service to publish.