KU, KUMC students to present work at Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol
LAWRENCE — Undergraduate researchers from the University of Kansas and KU Medical Center will present their research projects Wednesday, Feb. 15, as part of Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol.
KU and Medical Center undergraduates will join their peers from other Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) public four-year universities in Topeka from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the first-floor rotunda of the Capitol. Students will give brief poster presentations to students, faculty, KBOR members, state lawmakers and members of the public from across the state. The event is intended to raise awareness of the research being conducted by undergraduate students at state universities.
Additionally, this event highlights the importance of these transformational educational opportunities available to students at these institutions.
“Undergraduate research is a proud tradition here at KU that we know has a strong impact on students’ educational engagement and future academic and professional outcomes,” said John Augusto, director, Center for Undergraduate Research.
The presenters are listed below by name, year of study, major, hometown, mentor and title of research project.
From KU Lawrence
Adebayo Braimah, senior in chemistry and mathematics; Liberal; mentored by Carey Johnson, chemistry; “Dye-Protein Investigation with Circularly Polarized Light.”
Courtney Coppinger, senior in ecology & evolutionary biology and environmental studies; Leawood; mentored by Ben Sikes, ecology & evolutionary biology; “The Effects of Small Mammal Burrowing on Nitrogen Pools in Restored Grassland Prairie Systems.”
Billie Lubis, senior in physics; Overland Park; mentored by Alice Bean, physics & astronomy; “X-ray Testing of Silicon Forward Pixel Detectors for the CMS Experiment.”
Meixi Wang, senior in economics; Lawrence; mentored by John Keating, economics; “It Takes a Nation — or Many Nations: The Cross-Country Analysis of the Effects of Family and Social Factors on PISA Scores.”
Liran Ziegelman, senior in behavioral neuroscience; Tel-Aviv, Israel; mentored by Joseph Donnelly, medicine; “The Impact of Classroom-based Physical Activity on Time-on-Task and Academic Achievement in Elementary School Children.”
From KU Medical Center
Ethan Alquist and Trung Nguyen, seniors majoring in respiratory care from Lenexa and Olathe; mentored by Karen Schell, respiratory care education; "Art Speaks: Using Art to Enhance Interprofessional Communication in Respiratory Care Students Through Visual Assessment and Interpretation."
Kim Kaberline and Brandon Conrade, seniors majoring in health information management from Lawrence and Olpe; mentored by Murad Moqbel, School of Health Professions, health information management; "Factors Contributing to Kansas "Brain Drain.'”
Cassie Caedo, senior majoring in nursing from Olathe; mentored by Martha Baird, School of Nursing; "A Survey of Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Nurses’ Attitudes and Experiences in Telemental Health."
Kathryn Noble, senior majoring in nursing from Lawrence; mentored by Marge Bott, School of Nursing; "Relationship between Family Caregiver Burden with Time Involved in Caregiving and Satisfaction with Care for Residents in the Nursing Home."
Annie Yungmeyer, senior in nursing from Leawood; mentored by Karen Wambach, School of Nursing; "Self-Reported Experiences of Breastfeeding Adolescent Mothers Participating in a Pilot Intervention Focused on Promoting Healthy Behaviors."