KU recognized for excellence in community college transfer pathways

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas has been recognized for excellence in community college transfer by a national honor society.

KU is one of 112 colleges and universities named to Phi Theta Kappa’s Transfer Honor Roll, which identifies the top four-year colleges and universities for creating dynamic pathways to support community college transfer.

Honor roll members were selected based on the following criteria:

  • institutional partnerships and community college collaboration
  • pre-transfer institutional support, including outreach, admissions and access
  • post-transfer student engagement and support
  • community college data tracking and institutional priorities
  • transfer innovations

KU’s 2017 freshman class included 1,082 transfer students.

“The University of Kansas continues to be an attractive option for transfer students because of our nationally ranked academic programs and the opportunities we offer our community of scholars,” said David Cook, vice chancellor of the KU Edwards Campus. “In addition, we continue to make it easier for students to begin their academic career at a community college before transferring to KU to complete their studies.”

An example of an innovation to serve transfer students is the degree partnership program KU developed with Johnson County Community College. Launched in 2015, the program enables students to earn both an associate’s degree from JCCC and a bachelor’s degree from KU. The program allows students to be fully admitted at both institutions at the same time. Students enroll in core classes at JCCC and, at the same time, they can take upper-level, program-specific courses at KU’s Lawrence or Edwards campus.

KU also offers scholarships specifically for transfer students, grants credit hours for military service and hosts campus tours specifically for transfer students. For details, visit Transfer to KU.

KU’s efforts to recruit and serve transfer students align with the Kansas Board of Regents systemwide emphasis on transfer and articulation, which is designed to better serve students and families and, ultimately, provide more graduates for the Kansas workforce.

Tue, 02/13/2018


Joe Monaco

Media Contacts

Joe Monaco

KU Office of Public Affairs
