KU to honor faculty, academic staff retirees May 23

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas will honor retiring faculty and academic staff members with a lunch at noon May 23 in the Kansas Union Ballroom. Chancellor Douglas Girod and Vice Provost Chris Brown will recognize the employees during the lunch.

Retirees and one guest will be guests of the chancellor. Cost for additional guests is $20. For reservations, send a check payable to KU to Debra Bia, Chancellor’s Office, 230 Strong Hall.  The reservation deadline is Wednesday, May 16.


Barbara Anthony-Twarog, physics & astronomy, 36 years

Ronald Aust, educational leadership & policy studies, 33 years

Victor Bailey, modern British history, 30 years

Naima Boussofara, African & African-American studies, 18 years

Rosemary Kennedy Chapin, social welfare, 29 years

Cathleen Curless, business, 10 years

Charles Eldredge, history of art, 42 years

Steven Epstein, history, 15 years

Frank Farmer, English, 18 years

Bernadette Gray-Little, Office of the Chancellor, 9 years

Steven Hawley, physics & astronomy, 10 years

Joe Heppert, Office of Research; chemistry, 32 years

Mickey Imber, educational leadership & policy studies, 38 years

Tom Jindra, business, 15 years

William Johnson, geography & atmospheric science, 40 years

Nina Kinti-Moss, Latin American & Caribbean studies, 20 years

Thomas Krieshok, educational psychology, 36 years

Cheryl Lester, American studies and English, 31 years

Tom McDonald, social welfare, 29 years

Bruce McEnroe, civil, environmental & architectural engineering, 31 years

Daryl Mellard, Center for Research on Learning, 36 years

Mary Morningstar, special education, 26 years

Paula Sue Muir, pharmacy practice, 11 years

Camille Olcese, Applied English Center, 18 years

Alfred Parr, civil, environmental & architectural engineering, 37 years

Barbara Phipps, curriculum & instruction, 28 years

Susanne Shaw, journalism, 47 years

James Shortridge, geography & atmospheric science, 46 years

Richard Spano, social welfare, 43 years

Rajendra Srivastava, accounting and information systems, 36 years

Lin Stanionis, visual art, 25 years

Dean Stetler, molecular biosciences, 33 years

Jean Ann Summers, Bureau of Child Research, 43 years

Deborah Taylor, Undergraduate Biology Program, 11 years

John Edgar Tidwell, English, 19 years

Richard Varney, design, 38 years

Thomas Volek, journalism & mass communications, 28 years

Glen White, applied behavioral science and Life Span Institute, 29 years

Barbara Woods, pharmacy practice, 31 years.

Tue, 05/01/2018


Debra Bia

Media Contacts

Debra Bia

Chancellor's Office
