Audio-Reader receives $10,000 grant from Rice Foundation
LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Audio-Reader Network, a reading and information service for the blind and print-disabled, has received a $10,000 grant from the Ethel and Raymond F. Rice Foundation. The grant will help fund Braille program guides, closed circuit radios and outreach expenses for the organization.
Thousands of individuals who cannot read for themselves will benefit from the Rice Foundation’s generosity. The grant is particularly helpful to Audio-Reader’s blind listeners, who use the Braille program guide to choose which Audio-Reader programs to listen to on their closed-circuit radio. Radios are provided free of charge to anyone who qualifies for the service.
Janet Campbell, Audio-Reader’s executive director, says she is especially pleased to know that Audio-Reader will be receiving extra support for outreach expenses this year. “There are thousands of individuals in Kansas and Missouri who need our services but do not know about Audio-Reader,” she said. “The only way to spread the word is through outreach. We are so thankful to the Rice Foundation for supporting our efforts.”
Broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week from KU's campus, Audio-Reader provides free readings of newspapers, books and magazines to thousands of listeners in Kansas, Missouri and beyond. Find more information about Audio-Reader or call 864-4600.