58th edition of the Kansas Statistical Abstract now available

LAWRENCE — The Kansas Statistical Abstract 2023 is now available online. This data compendium is published annually by the Institute for Policy & Social Research at KU. It includes information on a wide range of topics about Kansas, with information in downloadable tables, maps, and graphs.
“The Kansas Statistical Abstract is an invaluable resource to people throughout the state, and outside of Kansas, who want easily accessible, comprehensive data on population, the economy, climate and the history of the state. We are proud to offer this service at no cost to users. IPSR has a long-standing commitment to helping members of the public access timely, high-quality data about Kansas,” said Donna Ginther, Roy A. Roberts and Regents Distinguished Professor of Economics and director of IPSR.

Updated data on agriculture shows the trajectory of farms, crop yields and climate change over the last century. The number of farms in the state has steadily declined from 167,000 in 1920 to 55,500 in 2023, while the average size of farms has increased from 272 acres to 807 acres (Kansas Farm Statistics, 1920-2023, Selected Years). Summary data on farm production indicates that acres harvested and yield per acre for most major Kansas crops, including wheat, sorghum, corn, soybeans and hay, declined from 2021 to 2022 (Farm Production Summary for Kansas, 2021-22). Precipitation in Kansas was lower in Kansas in 2023 compared to the average precipitation from 1991 to 2020 (Precipitation in Kansas, by Region, 2023 Total and 1991-2020 Average), and the percentage of cropland irrigated in Kansas is as high as 30% and 40% in certain counties in western Kansas (Percent of Cropland Irrigated in Kansas, by County, 2022).
IPSR updates and publishes the Kansas Statistical Abstract annually. This work ties in with IPSR’s role as the lead agency for the Kansas State Data Center, a partnership among the U.S. Census Bureau and a network of coordinating and affiliate agencies in Kansas.
“By utilizing accurate and up-to-date information, the SDC can help combat the spread of false information and ensure that decisions are based on facts rather than speculation. It is crucial for individuals, organizations and policymakers to have access to reliable data in order to make informed choices and address pressing issues effectively. The SDC's commitment to sourcing data from reputable sources helps uphold the integrity of information and promotes transparency in decision-making processes. In a world where misinformation can have serious consequences, having access to trustworthy data is more important than ever,” says Xan Wedel, senior research data engineer at IPSR and lead author of the KSA.
The KSA includes state, county and city-level data for Kansas on agriculture; banking and finance; business, industry, and exports; climate; communications and information; courts, crime and public safety; education; employment and earnings; energy and natural resources; government; housing and construction; income; parks and recreation; population; transportation; and vital statistics and health. The KSA is available for download at no cost to users, and users can download the entire document or individual tables, maps and graphs at the IPSR Data Library.