Book will guide teachers and child care providers in using the Pyramid Model

LAWRENCE — A new book co-edited by a researcher at the University of Kansas is a guide for early childhood education professionals to implement the Pyramid Model framework for promoting social-emotional competence in infants and young children.
According to publisher Brookes, “Unpacking the Infant–Toddler Pyramid Model: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Providers” is the first book to provide “a comprehensive, step-by-step overview of the widely used Pyramid Model Practices for infants and toddlers from birth to 3. With this accessible training guide, teachers and providers will use research-based practices to meet the unique needs of infants and toddlers — and boost their social-emotional development in the critical first years of life.”

Co-editor Kathryn Bigelow, associate research professor at the Juniper Gardens Children's Project (part of KU’s Life Span Institute) and courtesy assistant professor of applied behavioral science at KU, said her contribution came informed by years of hands-on research with infants and toddlers.
“The work I do is focused on the promotion of early social-emotional development and language development, and how we can support early educators in using those practices in their daily interactions with young children,” Bigelow said. “My work related to the Pyramid Model focuses on promoting social-emotional competencies for infants and toddlers in center-based child care.”
The book is meant to be practical as well as informative. It includes checklists providers and teachers can use to reflect on implementation of the practices.
“The Pyramid Model is a tiered model in which universal practices, described in this book, benefit all children,” Bigelow said. “High-fidelity implementation of those practices can prevent many challenging behaviors. However, even with those practices in place, some children will need additional support at certain times. The secondary level includes more targeted supports, like teaching specific competencies. The third tier represents individualized interventions for preventing challenging behavior and teaching specific social and emotional skills.”
The model was designed to meet individual child needs, Bigelow said, such as for children with disabilities or delays or who have experienced trauma. The Pyramid Model is applicable to infants and toddlers from any socioeconomic or cultural background and focuses on equity and inclusion.
Another key aspect of the Pyramid Model concerns the well-being of caregivers and teachers, according to Bigelow.
“If you look at the pyramid, the very bottom base, shown in yellow, is called the ‘effective workforce,’” said the KU researcher. “This focuses on the early childhood professionals who are teaching children. Without a strong foundation in our workforce, we can’t ensure that Pyramid Model practices will be implemented consistently and in high-quality ways with all children across all settings. That’s the foundation of the pyramid.”
Furthermore, the book guides early childhood professionals to forge strong partnerships, foster inclusive and predictable environments, shape social-emotional growth, address trauma, discourage challenging behaviors, craft individualized support and measure the effect of practices with data.
Bigelow’s co-editors are Amy Hunter and Neal Horen of Georgetown University and Mary Louise Hemmeter of Vanderbilt University.
The Pyramid Model was developed 25 years ago by the Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning and the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention or Young Children.
Other contributors to the book from the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project were Alana Schnitz, assistant professor of special education at KU and assistant research professor at Juniper Gardens, and Sarah Feldmiller, research project coordinator at Juniper Gardens.
Indeed, Juniper Gardens has been connected with the Pyramid Model for years, including in the model’s development. One of the initial designers of the Pyramid Model, Judy Carta, served as senior scientist at the Institute for Life Span Studies and professor of special education at KU. Other former KU researchers, like Dwight Irvin (now of the University of Florida) developed measurement tools that were designed for observing and documenting Pyramid Model practices and fidelity with which teachers implement those practices.
Bigelow said the clinical work, research and writing incorporated into the book ultimately aim to benefit children at a critical juncture in their young lives.
“It’s really all meant to ensure that whatever circumstances they come from to child care or school, we are inclusive of those children,” she said. “It involves designing environments, teaching practices and supports to meet them as they are when they arrive. It’s about ensuring that when children need additional supports, we have evidence-based ways to identify those needs and adjust what we’re doing to make sure they receive the right support at the right time.”