Eight KU students receive Undergraduate Research Awards for Fall
LAWRENCE — This fall, eight University of Kansas students will receive Undergraduate Research Awards (UGRAs). UGRA recipients are awarded a $1,000 scholarship as they work on mentored research and creative projects.
Students apply for UGRAs by writing a four-page research proposal under the guidance of a mentor. Faculty reviewers evaluate the applications based on the merit of the applicant's proposal and a recommendation from the mentor.
“The exciting questions that these students are posing in their projects stand to make important contributions to their areas of study,” said Alison Olcott, director of the Center for Undergraduate Research and associate professor of geology. “I am so impressed with these students’ ability to keep pursuing their research and creative projects amidst all the challenges that this year has posed.”
The Center for Undergraduate Research is currently taking applications for the Spring 2021 UGRA competition. The deadline for student proposals will be Oct. 29. Online guidance and individual virtual advising appointments are available to help students prepare strong applications. More information can be found online.
Students receiving awards for fall 2020 are listed below in alphabetical order along with year in school, hometown, project title, mentor and mentor’s department:
Ashmika Behere, a senior from Overland Park: “A Look into the Genetic Basis of Dewlap Pigmentation Pattern in Anolis Lizards,” mentored by Rich Glor, associate professor of ecology & evolutionary biology.
Monica Curiel, a senior from Lawrence: “Children's Book: CataLena,” mentored by Barry Fitzgerald, professor of design.
Anna Davidson, a senior from Ottawa: “Analysis of Galaxy Mergers at High Redshift and Star Formation Shutoff,” mentored by Gregory Rudnick, professor of physics & astronomy.
Sam Glaser, a senior from Overland Park: “Role of the Coronavirus Macrodomain Highly-Conserved GIF Loop in Virus Replication,” mentored by Tony Fehr, assistant professor of molecular biosciences.
Randi Hutto, a senior from Lawrence: “Social vs. Non-Social Book Preference in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” mentored by Meghan Davidson, assistant professor of speech-language-hearing.
Manjit Pant, a senior from Leawood: “Design and Fabrication of Solar Coin Cells by Spray Pyrolysis Technique,” mentored by Lin Liu, associate professor of mechanical engineering.
Abigal Percich, a senior from Lawrence: “Sediment Source Assessment Along an Urban to Rural Transition Using Sediment Fingerprint Modeling,” mentored by Admin Husic, assistant professor of civil, environmental & architectural engineering.
Carine Tabak, a senior from Lawrence: “Is Aggression Correlated Between Male and Female Drosophila melanogaster?,” mentored by Jennifer Gleason, associate professor of ecology & evolutionary biology.