Associate dean earns lifetime achievement award for service to independent pharmacies

LAWRENCE — Gene Hotchkiss, senior associate dean at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy, was honored last week with a lifetime achievement award by the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) at the group’s annual convention in Austin, Texas.

The award recognizes Hotchkiss for his work with students and on behalf of the school of pharmacy and the profession throughout the past 28 years. NCPA President Mark Riley made the presentation and noted that Hotchkiss embodies so much of what the national organization works to nurture and promote.

“He has long been devoted to helping prepare the next generation of pharmacy students to make a difference in their communities,” Riley said. “Most important, he has shown a passion for independent community pharmacies and always works to further educate students on the benefits of working for or owning a mom-and-pop pharmacy.”

Hotchkiss has served as co-adviser of the school’s NCPA chapter since 1998 and has hosted twice-a-year trips to rural Kansas during which he introduces students to community pharmacy owners, allows them to tour the pharmacies and build relationships with the pharmacists.

Pete Stern, CEO of the Kansas Independent Pharmacy Service Corporation, said the lifetime achievement award is well-deserved.

“No one is more dedicated to promoting the importance of independent pharmacy as a valuable business in local Kansas communities, essential to the well-being of a community’s citizens, and as an excellent and rewarding career choice for studentsl,” Stern said.

The award recognizes what Hotchkiss has contributed to the profession on a national level, but former student and pharmacy owner Brian Caswell of Baxter Springs said the people of Kansas also appreciate the dean.

“The vast majority of communities in Kansas have been indirectly influenced by this one man. He has been an inspiration to so many students who are carrying out their love and passion for a career that is growing into the lifestyle that he so fondly and frequently speaks about,” Caswell said. “We can never repay such benevolence of time or dedication to a cause, but Gene knows that we’re appreciative. The NCPA Lifetime Academic Achievement Award is only a small token of our thanks to Gene.”

Hotchkiss graduated from the School of Pharmacy in 1969. After working in a variety of pharmacy settings, he returned to his alma mater in 1986. During his tenure, he has focused on recruiting and retaining students, along with developing support services for the career pathways students choose. In 1997, he launched the pharmacy summer camp career exploration program for high school students. He also organized onsite visits to independent community pharmacies throughout Kansas, established a relationship with the Kansas Independent Pharmacy Service Corporation (KPSC) and created networking opportunities for students and independent community pharmacists through the Entrepreneurial Opportunities Group.

Hotchkiss was previously honored with the Kansas Pharmacist of the Year Award, the Wichita Academy of Pharmacy Harley Sutton Award, the NCPA Faculty Liaison Award and the KPSC Independent Pharmacy Mentoring Award.

Thu, 10/30/2014


Jackie Hosey

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Jackie Hosey

School of Pharmacy
