International Support Services moving to consolidated location

Mon, 06/10/2024


Christine Metz Howard

LAWRENCE — International Support Services is moving to Room 50 Strong Hall this month. The move will provide one consolidated location for all ISS staff, who have been spread out among four offices in Strong Hall. 

As part of the move, the ISS reception area in Room 126 will now be housed in Room 50. International students and scholars should come to Room 50 for assistance with immigration advising and support as well as all other ISS services.

The new location will have flexible space for large and small group meetings and one-on-one advising.

“Our staff is thrilled to work together in a single space which will ultimately lead to better serving our students and scholars,” said Lynne Vanahill, director of ISS. “This provides a valuable opportunity for improved communication and collaboration.”

Tentatively, ISS will start moving the week of June 10 and will be closed part of the week during the transition. ISS aims to be fully relocated and opened in the new space by June 17.

Mon, 06/10/2024


Christine Metz Howard

Media Contacts

Christine Metz Howard

International Affairs