KU students to present at Kansas Undergraduate Research Days

Tue, 03/02/2021


Nicole Perry, Danielle Olds

LAWRENCE – Students from each of the Kansas Board of Regents' four-year public universities will share work during Kansas’ Undergraduate Research Days. The 2021 event will take place online March 2-4.

Ten University of Kansas students will share their work during the free event, which is hosted this year by Fort Hays State University.

“This event is a chance for our students to highlight the undergraduate research opportunities they have had as a result of their studies at the University of Kansas, as well as how this work enhances their own education while also improving the lives of Kansans. Although it is sad that we cannot meet in the Capitol, this virtual event should make it easier for more people to see the wonderful work being done by undergraduate students at KU and across the state,” said Alison Olcott, director of the Center for Undergraduate Research.

The Kansas Undergraduate Research Day website will feature posters and accompanying student videos describing research projects. Visitors will be able to comment and post questions for the student presenters. Students, faculty, KBOR members, state lawmakers and members of the public from across the state are invited to participate. The event is intended to raise awareness of research being conducted by undergraduate students and to highlight the transformational educational opportunities available to students at each KBOR university.

“Even though we are unable to gather in the Capitol rotunda as we have in the past, hosting this event using technology allows more Kansans to see and hear how learning through research positively affects undergraduate students and how higher education strengthens the Kansas economy and workforce,” said Leslie Paige, FHSU Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects, the coordinator of this year’s event. “These experiences enrich student education and better prepares them for future careers.”

The presenters are listed below by name, year of study, major, mentor and title of research project:

From KU Lawrence

Jade Groobman, senior in women, gender & sexuality studies from Boulder, Colorado; mentored by Sarah Deer, Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: “Jews of Color: Experiences of Exclusion and Inclusion.”

Rhianna Roth, senior in chemical & petroleum engineering from Bellaire, Texas; mentored by Mark Shiflett, Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering: “Project SAVE: Silica Adsorbed Vaccine Encapsulation.”

Kade Townsend, sophomore in molecular biosciences from Topeka; mentored by Josephine Chandler, Department of Molecular Biosciences: “Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in the Pathogenic Bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa.”

Anna Trofimoff, senior in chemical & petroleum engineering from Overland Park; mentored by Jennifer Robinson, chemical & petroleum enginering: “The Effect of Increasing Internal Phase and Organic Phase Composition on Emulsion Electrospun Scaffold Wettability.”

Kaci Zarek, junior in environmental science from Norfolk, Nebraska; mentored by Amy Burgin, Environmental Studies Program: “Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Characterize Dissolved Organic Matter in Eastern Kansas Streams.”


From KU Medical Center

Nadeen Abusalim, senior in nursing from Olathe; mentored by Kelly Bosak, School of Nursing: “Feasibility of Implementing Clinical Guidelines with Patient Reported Outcomes Across a Digital Network.”

Brynn Hammett, senior in nursing from Wamego; mentored by Maryellen Potts, School of Nursing: “Immunotherapy Patient Education: A Cross-sectional Survey of Patient Knowledge and Information Seeking Strategies.”

Annastasia Milton, senior in nursing from Papillion, Nebraska; mentored by Shin Hye Park, School of Nursing: “The Effect of Unit-level Practice Environments on Nurse Overtime and Job Enjoyment.”

Rachel Rosenberg, senior in nursing from Leawood; mentored by Moya Peterson, School of Nursing: “Treatment of Diabetes in Adults with Down Syndrome.”

Courtney Sobek, senior in nursing from Overland Park; mentored by Barbara Polivka, School of Nursing: “Dissemination of COVID-19 Information through Professional Nursing Associations.”

Tue, 03/02/2021


Nicole Perry, Danielle Olds

Media Contacts

Nicole Perry

Center for Undergraduate Research
