University Honors Program celebrates outstanding contributions of student, faculty at annual convocation

LAWRENCE – The University Honors Program recognized one student and four faculty members for their unique contributions to the program at Honors Convocation, a kickoff event for first-year honors students Aug. 25.
Emily Ward, an anthropology and political science major from Manhattan, was named winner of the Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett Outstanding Contribution Award, which gives $1,000 to a student exhibiting leadership, innovation and engagement in the program.
Ward has served as president, vice president and treasurer of Honors Community Advocates, a student-led organization that encourages community building among honors students. She was also a member of the 2023 University Scholars cohort.
“Being in the Honors Program taught me how to build and foster community,” Ward said during her remarks to students at the convocation. “It bettered me as a community member and leader and set me down the path I’m on today.”
Ward’s recognition was followed by the conferral of multiple faculty awards:
Darren Canady, professor of English, received the 2024 Outstanding Honors Seminar Instructor award. Canady’s first-year honors seminar, “Creating Connections,” helped students connect the performing arts with social justice.
Jennifer Harrison, professor of business and director of KU’s Business Leadership Program, and Mark Mort, professor of ecology & evolutionary biology, both received the 2024 Outstanding Departmental Honors Course award. Harrison was recognized for her teaching of BLAW 302: Legal Aspects of Business, Honors, while Mort was recognized for his teaching of BIOL 153: Principles of Organismal Biology, Honors.
The Outstanding Honors Educator Award went to Mary Klayder, associate director of undergraduate studies and senior lecturer in English. A member of the honors community since 1985, Klayder has not only taught honors courses of all levels within the Department of English but also has directed more than 60 KU study abroad programs including British Summer Institute, London Review and Travel Writing in Costa Rica.
Part of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the University Honors Program pursues a mission to challenge students to launch extraordinary lives through exceptional classes, advising and interdisciplinary opportunities. This fall's incoming class is the program’s 69th since the creation of the program in 1956 with the merger of the Summerfield and Watkins scholarship programs .
“Outstanding teaching and faculty mentoring contribute significantly to the success of our students,” said program director Sarah Crawford Parker. “It’s exciting to recognize these exceptional educators and share their accomplishments with our newest honors students.”